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ARTWORK COLLECTION Phua cheng phue ARTWORK COLLECTION 70x70cm- Phua Cheng Phue 潘正培 Two Kampung Ladies Read more 83x50cm- Phua Cheng Phue 潘正培 Sewing Read more 68x70cm- Phua Cheng Phue 潘正培 Boats at Dock Read more 68x46cm- Phua Cheng Phue 潘正培 Malay Girls Under Tree Read more 69x69cm- ...

ARTWORK COLLECTION LIU KANG's ARTWORK COLLECTION Liu Kang 刘抗 Chinese Calligraphy By Liu Kang Read more Liu Kang 刘抗 Chinese Calligraphy By Liu Kang Read more Liu Kang 刘抗 Chinese Calligraphy By Liu Kang Read more Liu Kang 刘抗 Chinese Calligraphy By...

NEWS & MEDIA ">">SYMPOSIUM 怀旧水墨精品展——林子影、潘正培、刘抗、范昌乾 本地第一二代画家怀旧水墨精品展 Asia Art Collective在视觉艺术中心主办“怀旧水墨精品展——林子影、潘正培、刘抗、范昌乾”,展出四位已故第一及第二代画家50余幅水墨作品,包括书法、花鸟、山水、人物。市面上较少见到画家林子影(1940-1995)的作品,今年正逢林子影逝世28周年,本次展览从林子影家属获得的20张遗作,与林子影的老师——海派画家范昌乾(1907-1987)作品同展。范昌乾生于中国广东揭阳,乃海派大师王个簃、王一亭的学生,专精于写意花鸟画,尤以兰花与竹子著称,移居新加坡后,1957年在中正中学教美术时,林子影就拜师学画30年至他逝世。林子影作品笔墨、用色与布局可看出海派绘画功力,以山水和花鸟最为突出。其山水画虽有中国名山大川,但多为东南亚风景,笔下马来村庄、小桥木船,河边嬉戏的马来妇女,迎风飘摆的高耸椰树都是地道南洋景色,设色清雅,笔墨淋漓。本次展出潘正培(1934-2004)八张作品,其画风结合中国水墨与西方油画的技巧,取材于峇厘岛文化,具有浓烈的热带南洋风情。1957年毕业于南洋美专(南艺前身),他师从钟四宾(泗滨),曾多次与刘抗、陈文希、李曼峰、陈宗瑞等走遍东南亚、印度、中国和欧洲等地写生。他于1980年和1982年办过个展,1988年获陈之初博士美术奖。先驱画家刘抗(1911-2004)的水墨作品也展出。配合展览,10月8日下午3时至4时30分举办“品茶谈艺”,由茶艺师陈淑敏带领品尝高山乌龙茶,策展人刘婉婷导览水墨艺术。每人收费$48,上网报名。 Huang XiangjingAuthor News & Media地点 : Visual Arts Centre, 10 Penang Road 01-02 Dhoby Ghaut Green S238469时间:10月5日至11日上午11时至晚上8时 READ MORE ...

CRITIQUES CRITIQUES 怀念子影 子影是我国知名画家,在学校他是一位称职的美术教师,于艺坛的各方面活动,也都非常积极参与。 符致珊 Foo Chee San 筹委会主席 READ MORE 林子影的艺术生活 可见他对中国的彩墨画二千余年的传统以及追随师道和认真与尊敬的态度是何等的虔诚,如此的极尽落着于艺术的坚持,是许多人难以相比的。 陈世集 艺术评论家 READ MORE The Art of Ling Cher Eng Ling Cher Eng's unique skill derived from his 'parentage' stood him in good stead in his paintings. Tan Tee Chie Fanshi Lodge READ MORE HAVE QUESTIONS? LEAVE US A MESSAGE [wpforms id="3187"] ">">About us Asia Art Collective is an art advisory and consultancy specialised in...

EXHIBITIONS Exhibitions, Book Launch & Activities Born in 1940, Ling Cher Eng was a second-generation Singaporean artist. Ling studied Chinese painting under the pioneer artist Fan Chang Tien (1907-1987) from 1957, when he attended Chung Cheng High School. The literati tradition of the Shanghai School of painting as...

ARTWORK COLLECTION LING CHER ENG's ARTWORK COLLECTION 180x48cm- Ling Cher Eng 林子影 青绿山水 Read more 71x140cm Ling Cher Eng 林子影 迎春图 Read more 69x40cm- Ling Cher Eng 林子影 横滨城郊 Read more 47x68cm- Ling Cher Eng 林子影 Plum Bossom Tree Read more Ling Cher Eng...