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CRITIQUES CRITIQUES 怀念子影 子影是我国知名画家,在学校他是一位称职的美术教师,于艺坛的各方面活动,也都非常积极参与。 符致珊 Foo Chee San 筹委会主席 READ MORE 林子影的艺术生活 可见他对中国的彩墨画二千余年的传统以及追随师道和认真与尊敬的态度是何等的虔诚,如此的极尽落着于艺术的坚持,是许多人难以相比的。 陈世集 艺术评论家 READ MORE The Art of Ling Cher Eng Ling Cher Eng's unique skill derived from his 'parentage' stood him in good stead in his paintings. Tan Tee Chie Fanshi Lodge READ MORE HAVE QUESTIONS? LEAVE US A MESSAGE [wpforms id="3187"] ">">About us Asia Art Collective is an art advisory and consultancy specialised in...

EXHIBITIONS Exhibitions, Book Launch & Activities Born in 1940, Ling Cher Eng was a second-generation Singaporean artist. Ling studied Chinese painting under the pioneer artist Fan Chang Tien (1907-1987) from 1957, when he attended Chung Cheng High School. The literati tradition of the Shanghai School of painting as...

ARTWORK COLLECTION LING CHER ENG's ARTWORK COLLECTION 180x48cm- Ling Cher Eng 林子影 青绿山水 Read more 71x140cm Ling Cher Eng 林子影 迎春图 Read more 69x40cm- Ling Cher Eng 林子影 横滨城郊 Read more 47x68cm- Ling Cher Eng 林子影 Plum Bossom Tree Read more Ling Cher Eng...

CRITIQUES CRITIQUES Congratulations Messages The Timeless Ink Heritage - Fan Chang Tien Painting and Calligraphy Masterpiece Homecoming Exhibition Han Bi XingArtist & Art Curator Meet once, unforgettable lifetime. I am very glad to learn that Mr. Fan Chang Tien's legacy will be exhibited in Singapore next month. First of all,...

CRITIQUES CRITIQUES Heart in Art and Mind on Tao Chen GuanglinArtist & Art Curator Confucius says, “I set my heart on the Way.” Zhuang Zi also says, “Pervading all Heaven and Earth there is Virtue; stirring all life is the Tao.” The unity of Art and the Way is...

CRITIQUES CRITIQUES Congratulations Messages The Timeless Ink Heritage - Fan Chang Tien Painting and Calligraphy Masterpiece Homecoming Exhibition Chong Siak ChingChief Executive Officer, National Gallery Singapore To the "Fan Chang Tien: Homecoming of a Heritage" Exhibition Committee, On behalf of National Gallery Singapore, I would like to warmly congratulate you on...