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Author: Work Bite

EXHIBITIONS Shou Pan's EXHIBITIONS 年出版书法集三册,新加坡国立博物馆于1984及1991年(庆祝80岁大寿)两次为他举行书法展览。他的书法广受各界喜爱与尊崇,除东南亚各地外,在山东曲阜孔庙、西安碑林、武汉黄鹤楼等地都可看到的墨宝。潘受也爱好写作及诗歌创作,他曾于1928年参加中国“全国拒毒论文比赛”荣获第一名(北大蔡元培校长为主任评选),早年喜写白话诗,青年时期才致力于古典诗词的创作,已出版《海外庐诗》(1970)、《云南园诗集》(1984)、及厚八百页的《潘受诗选》(1997),其中共有诗词1300余首。潘受的书法与文学造诣,受到国内外文化界重视。 1982 1985 年获巴黎“法国艺术沙龙”(Salon Artists Francais)金质奖.年获新加坡政府文化奖章; 1986 1991 年又获法国国家艺术与文学(Officer des Art et des Letters)勋章.年获新加坡卓越功绩勋章(P.J.G.). 1994 1997 年获亚细安文化奖(ASEAN Cultural Medal年获新加坡书法家协会荣誉奖章,同年南洋理工大学颁授名誉文学博士荣衔. 1998 1999 潘受1999年2月23日逝世,享寿89岁。...

[rev_slider alias="Shou-Pan"][/rev_slider] 潘受 Pan Shou 潘受 Pan Shou Pan Shou, born in Fujian, China in 1911, was a Chinese calligrapher and poet who made significant contributions to the cultural and educational landscape of Singapore. He was a founding member of the Nanyang University in 1955, and it was only during...

EXHIBITIONS Thang Kiang How's SOLO EXHIBITIONS Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Singapore. 1980 1987 National Museum Art Gallery. Hyatt Regency Singapore Hotel, Singapore. To-day Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan. Kaohsiung National Library, Kaohsiuing, Taiwan. 1988 1989 5th Solo Art Exhibition at National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore. Singapore Conference Hall, Singapore. 1990 1995 Art Gallery of Beijing International-Art Palace, China. Thang Kiang...