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Ling Cher Eng 林子影 1940 1995


Ling Cher Eng


Ling Cher Eng

Born in 1940, Ling Cher Eng was a second-generation Singaporean artist. Ling studied Chinese painting under the pioneer artist Fan Chang Tien (1907-1987) from 1957, when he attended Chung Cheng High School. The literati tradition of the Shanghai School of painting as practised by Fan, which can be traced back to the Shanghai School masters Wang Geyi, Wang Yiting, Pan Tianshou and Zhu Wenyun deeply influenced Ling and resonated with his passion for ink painting.
Ling greatly admired Fan and studied under him with determination to master the arts of verse, painting, calligraphy and seal-carving, the four attributes of the literati tradition. Ling’s dedication and perseverance led him to continue his tutelage under Fan for the next thirty years from 1957 to 1987, making him the first and longest disciple of Fan Chang Tien.

Ling’s dedication and perseverance led him to continue his tutelage under Fan for the next thirty years from 1957 to 1987, making him the first and longest disciple of Fan Chang Tien.

Ling’s dedication and perseverance led him to continue his tutelage under Fan for the next thirty years from 1957 to 1987, making him the first and longest disciple of Fan Chang Tien.

Having acquired a strong foundation from Fan’s tutelage, Ling Cher Eng’s works captured the carefree and effortless expressionism of the Shanghai School xieyi style. Ling’s oeuvre spans a wide range of subjects.


飞瀑图 Thunderous Falls

Not only was he adept at classical themes of the plum blossoms, orchids, bamboo and chrysanthemum (known in Chinese as the sijunzi or ‘four gentlemen ’), Ling was also creative in applying his talents to more uncommon subjects in Chinese painting, including tropical fruits and flowers, the regional landscapes of Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore, both urban and rural; nudes and portraits, and his lively depictions of snails and sparrows among other subjects. Ling especially won recognition and praise for his paintings of plum blossoms and his landscape works, noteworthily their bold composition and for his daring use of ink as an expressive force in itself. In his Southeast Asian themes, he painted sceneries of Singapore, Malay kampungs and Balinese landscapes, bringing to life these regional vignettes in his vigorous style which still preserves the finesse and detail of his subject matter. The largeness of spirit and expression typical of the Shanghai School can be seen in his classical themed paintings of birds and flowers. But Ling went beyond the traditions in which he was schooled, incorporating increasingly abstract qualities in his work. By the 1990s, his work in the landscape genre had included the usage of acrylic paints, making him stand out as a modern Chinese painter of the times.

金秋 Golden Autumn


Other than his personal achievements as an artist, Ling is also one of the founders of the Hwa Hun Art Society, serving as president and vice-president of the Society several times. He played a pivotal role for the promotion and education of Chinese ink painting in Singapore. He was the head of department of art at the New Town Primary School for many years, where his students often scored good results in art competitions. Through all these, Ling has contributed to the teaching of art and Chinese painting in Singapore, with dedication to his profession as a teacher and an artist. Ling Cher Eng – an ink legacy of our time – passed away of a sudden illness while on tour with his artist friends to Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in China, in 1995. Nearly 20 years on, he is very much remembered by those who knew him, and his works are still enthusiastically mentioned among ink painting circles. His works brought together the tradition of the Shanghai School with the regional characteristics of the Nanyang region and certain elements of Western art. All his efforts have ensured his place in our Singaporean art history.
Ling Cher Eng is an important second generation Singaporean artist and a Chinese Ink Painting master of our time.

飞瀑图 Thunderous Falls


Not only was he adept at classical themes of the plum blossoms, orchids, bamboo and chrysanthemum (known in Chinese as the sijunzi or ‘four gentlemen ’), Ling was also creative in applying his talents to more uncommon subjects in Chinese painting, including tropical fruits and flowers, the regional landscapes of Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore, both urban and rural; nudes and portraits, and his lively depictions of snails and sparrows among other subjects. Ling especially won recognition and praise for his paintings of plum blossoms and his landscape works, noteworthily their bold composition and for his daring use of ink as an expressive force in itself. In his Southeast Asian themes, he painted sceneries of Singapore, Malay kampungs and Balinese landscapes, bringing to life these regional vignettes in his vigorous style which still preserves the finesse and detail of his subject matter. The largeness of spirit and expression typical of the Shanghai School can be seen in his classical themed paintings of birds and flowers. But Ling went beyond the traditions in which he was schooled, incorporating increasingly abstract qualities in his work. By the 1990s, his work in the landscape genre had included the usage of acrylic paints, making him stand out as a modern Chinese painter of the times.

飞瀑图 Thunderous Falls

金秋 Golden Autumn


Other than his personal achievements as an artist, Ling is also one of the founders of the Hwa Hun Art Society, serving as president and vice-president of the Society several times. He played a pivotal role for the promotion and education of Chinese ink painting in Singapore. He was the head of department of art at the New Town Primary School for many years, where his students often scored good results in art competitions. Through all these, Ling has contributed to the teaching of art and Chinese painting in Singapore, with dedication to his profession as a teacher and an artist. Ling Cher Eng – an ink legacy of our time – passed away of a sudden illness while on tour with his artist friends to Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in China, in 1995. Nearly 20 years on, he is very much remembered by those who knew him, and his works are still enthusiastically mentioned among ink painting circles. His works brought together the tradition of the Shanghai School with the regional characteristics of the Nanyang region and certain elements of Western art. All his efforts have ensured his place in our Singaporean art history.
Ling Cher Eng is an important second generation Singaporean artist and a Chinese Ink Painting master of our time.

金秋 Golden Autumn



Ling Cher Eng’s Life.




Learnt art from Fang Changqian.


Published small personal painting album.





Participated in the annual art exhibition by The Society of Chinese Artists.


Called up for 2-year national Service.




Graduated from Singapore Teachers Training college and taught at New Town Primary School until demise.


Organized the “Hwa Han Art Society” which was officially set up the following year.




Participated in the art exhibition held by Hwa han Art Society at the Victoria Theatre to raise fund for the building of Chung Hwa Free Clinic.


Ling Cher Eng participated in the art exhibition held by Hwa han Art Society at the Victoria Theatre to raise fund for the building of Chung Hwa Free Clinic.

Participated in the art exhibition held by Hwa Jam Art Society at the National Stadium auditorium to raise fund for Singapore Amateur Swimming Association.





Participated in the annual art exhibition by Hwa Han Art Society.


Held personal art exhibition in “art inaction” at the National Museum Art Gallery.

举行在国家博物院画廊之‘art in action’ “美术活动”个人展



Contributed works to the building fund of Thomson Community Centre.


  • Works exhibited at the Japanese Embassy in Singapore.
  • Participated in Singapore – Korea Joint Art Exhibition” in celebration of Singapore’s 25th National Day.
  • 画作在本地日本大使馆参展
  • 参加庆祝国25周年之新韩联展



Participated in Teachers’ Art Exhibition Sponsored by the Ministry of Education.


  • Participated in art exhibition to raise fund for Hong Kah Estate Education Centre.
  • Awarded Prize by The Society of Chinese Artists on her 50th Anniversary.
  • Participated in “Pan-pacific Art Exhibition”.
  • 参加为丰加区教育中心筹款书画参展
  • 荣获中华美术研究会颁发50周年美术奖
  • 参加“泛太平洋美术展”


Participated in Singapore National Museum’s Centenary Art Exhibition.


Works exhibited at “Singapore – Sarawak Art Exchange Exhibition” held at Kuching Museum.





Work selected to be exhibited at UOB Group’s Annual Art Exhibition.


  • Awarded “Chen Zhichu Art Award” and Excellence Prize in the art competition sponsored by the Ministry of Information and the Arts.
  • Highly Commanded IBM Art Award.
  • 荣获“陈之初美术奖”及新闻与艺术部美术赛优
  • 奖 荣获 IBM美术奖


Participated in the “Four-artist China Tour Joint Exhibition” jointly sponsored by Hunan Yueyang cultural Association and Foreign Affairs.


Participated in “Four-artist China Tour Joint Exhibition” Held at National Museum Art Gallery.




  • Held ” Three-artist Joint Art Exhibition” at Orchard Point.
  • Participated in “Huangshan Scenery Art Exhibition” in Hefei, China.
  • 在乌节坊举行三人联展
  • 参加中国合肥“黄山风情画展”
  • Participated in ’95 Singapore Art Exhibition”.’95 Work selected to participate in the Grand Competition of Art and Calligraphy held by “Beijing International Chinese calligraphy & Art Exposition”.
  • Participated in “Art Exhibition of Chinese Art Celebrities” and awarded the “Brass Tripod Prize”.
  • Personal particulars recorded in “A Compilation of Contemporary Chinese Art Celebrities”.
  • Works selected to participate in the “14th UOB Annual Art Exhibition”.
  • Joint art exhibition to raise fund for Hainan Clan Association.
  • Participated in “Yunan Scenery Art Exhibition: held by Singapore Nanyang Art Academy.
  • 参加“95年新加坡美展”
  • 人选北京国际中国书画博览会书画大奖赛作品展
  • 参展中国艺术界名人作品展示会,荣获“铜鼎奖”
  • 个人资料录人《中国当代艺术界名人录》辞书
  • 画作人选大华银行第14届常年美展为海南会馆募基金义展
  • 参加在南洋艺术学院画廊举办之“云南风情画展”

11th Dec. 1995

11th Dec. 1995

Died of sickness while on a tour to Taiyuan, Shanxi Province with friends in the art circles, aged 55.




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Asia Art Collective is an art advisory and consultancy specialised in Singaporean and Asian modern and contemporary art. Professional art services include providing clients with art advice on artwork purchase and sale, artwork valuation and assessment, art acquisition and collection planning, art sale and brokerage, as well as art commissioning and artwork sourcing. Asia Art Collective seeks to promote a culture of art appreciation and art acquisition and collection for Singapore art, and modern and contemporary Asian art through its diverse and rotating art exhibitions and art appreciation programmes, courses and talks. Enquire with Asia Art Collective for advice and support on your art-collecting journey.

亚洲艺汇有限公司(Asia Art Collective Pte Ltd )是新加坡专业的艺术品咨询顾问公司,公司的服务是为艺术收藏提供指导,制定策划购买艺术品方向,帮助藏家评估、分析艺术品市场价位、未来的市场走势。在选择艺术品方面,即要帮助藏家找到自己酷爱心怡的作品,同时也把艺术品列为藏家资产扩充的规划中,并且负责跟踪艺术品的买与卖。同时也提供新加坡艺术品量身定制服务

Iola Liu
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